Saturday, November 9, 2019


Moving in closer,drifting across time.
Never quite touching ,wondering why
You always had the answers
You always made the grade
Did you ever stop to notice 
me standing right beside you ?

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Cost

A slave to love playing Russian roulette with misery
A list of the usual suspects all made up and going nowhere 
finding a dead end road at the end of every tunnel
I ran past the gates of reason
the smile upon my face became the lie .
Dancing the dance eternal 
we manufactured pleasure 
we manufactured pain
wrapped it in a pretty package 
and sold it at great cost 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tomorrows Desires

Love came trampling through my shadows
wearing a suit, blue eyes ,and a smile
To listen I could sit all night.
Sleeping softly,arms enfolding
restoring happiness forgotten
There is grace in moonlight
What had been given
became the seeds of tomorrows desires 


Thursday, May 3, 2012


For his love I would do anything
Reading words on pages written in his hand
Becoming empty substitutes .
Without his hand to hold mine
I would lie awake and wonder
However far away 
Is he thinking of me?
Through his blood I am an artist
Memories of generations
 flowing through my veins .
Through his hands I am a writer 
the words flowing freely
upon the page.
Through his voice I am a singer
reaching out to the hearts of many
With his love
 too deep and wide to contain

I could do anything.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

New Blogging

The poetry I have been sharing with you in this blog is mostly comprised of past inspirations from life experiences with a little bit of fantasy thrown in for good measure. I want to create a new sort of blog more current with poetry,photos,music I enjoy,etc.... Please feel free to join me.I will post the address soon.
Thank you for sharing my experiences via the blog world

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Constant Heart

I love you with a constant heart 
Never questioning how or why
I was reborn within those glowing moments
Your haloed head bending down towards mine
You held me gently as a child
Sharing both our pain and pleasure 
We wandered the path of each others hopes and dreams
Where did we go wrong 
My steadfast protector?
Time has been our enemy
Together we struggled 
Sometimes coming up for air 
You went spelunking through my shadow
Finding me lacking
This cave is dark and empty.